I had the crazy last minute idea that I wanted to do recaps for this season of Insecure as I was getting ready for the premier's watch party at my bestie's house! I had no real reason not to. I love the show, it is easily one of my favorites and like watching me and my girls lives played out on screen. Last season we ended with that creatively and deeply written finale that followed Molly, Issa, and Lawrence for 30 days and finally showing us the closure Lawrence and Issa both needed to heal and move on. I don't feel we need Lawrence in season 3. Him not being here, doesn't mean the end for his character, it's a break...she's currently not having any interaction with him so why would he be on the show? But, no, I don't think this is the end for them as a couple or at least as close friends. The finale ended with Issa on Daniel's doorstep....and 2 weeks later we are here. I want to give my 5 takeaways from the episode. Shall we?

1. Sis, really, you had nowhere else to go?
I feel Issa, if it came down to it, would I wanna move in would my brother and all his kids, probably not! But am I gonna be knocking on the door of one of my past situations....naaahhhh. One night or two, sure! But it's been 2 weeks and counting. And he is screwing chicks right in her face, right in her face.....right. in. her. face. I love how they attempted to give us the reason why she can't live with Molly but nah son!

2. Don't let Molly's vacay dick-quests fool yall!
Soon as that gorgeous chocolate woman landed back in LA Dro's lightskin n*cca alert down in his pants went off and he was hitting her up trying to come play boyfriend. real quick though, that tongue and peen must be made of gold for her to be willing to let go her one of her best friends in exchange for just an "acquaintance who she smashes". So was phone call with his wife while in bed with Molly what we were all waiting on?? Ok. I'll admit I said his trifliin' ass was lying all this time. So maybe he isn't triflin. He and his wife just like to.....get down like that. But why with you friend....one of your closest at that?

3. Thanks for some kinda Daniel backstory, if we can call it that.
I loved the scene with the petty sister! I'm the petty sister!!!! I got questions. I'm gonna let you know that all that you have going on makes no sense, no matter how you spin it, flip it, or wrap it. When it comes down to it both Issa and Daniel are wrong in this situation. Issa admitted she came to him because she KNEW he would help her. I think alot of us do that. We have that one person we know we can count on no matter what the situation is. Daniel is allowing himself to be emotionally tortured for the third season straight! That is my only major issue with that man. He's trying so hard to get over that woman, it's not working. Her talking about his music was a trigger.

4. I love helping our youth as much as the next one, but girl! F*CK THAT JOB!
.....And the wypipo working there. Her lil friend done turned on her. Ain't that what they do? They get promoted and them it's every man for themselves, knowing damn well Issa was right there with her helping them bad ass kids! "Everytime we have an issue here lately, you're involved" chile, that's wypipo talk for "we writing every time you breathe wrong so we can fire you." Them and Daniel got you out in the street doing Party Lyfts and shit. Ooohhh let's talk about that though! Young Molly and Issa that got in was too cute! Then there was Nathan.....ooh Nathan. We can stop there because I know Nathan will be back. Lawd I hope Nathan will be back. Y'all let's pray that Nathan is back! LOL

5. Run me my key n*cca!!!
Dro! you can't just be walking up in people's cribs whenever you please dude!!! Especially after a discussion about boundaries! Ya'll peep how Candace became "his wife" when Molly made a comment about them and the way they roll? He made the lightskin dudes being sensitive stereotype seem so accurate. All Molly asked for was boundaries. She needed things to be clear cut and concise so she knew where she stood and things were on an even playing field. While I don't agree with her decision to be involved in an open-marriage triangle, I can see what she was asking of Dro in tonight episode. He felt like he was losing control and he hated it.

I can't wait to see what's to come next week and the rest of the season. Catch to loves next Monday!! Have a great week....and remember is you know better, you do better.
-Curls n' Cocktails