And we’re back!!! Hey love bugs! I’m anxiously excited (if that make sense) to wrap up my mental health journey with you all. If you missed part 2 of Living a Lie Get Hard you can find it here and make sure to sign up for my newsletter to not miss any exclusive posts.
So, how’d I get to where I am now? Acceptance. Not only from the people around me but acceptance of assistance, acceptance of my current circumstances, and acceptance of every time not being like the last. Therapy has done so much for me. It’s making me a better sister, friend, daughter, and all around person. I hope to go more in-depth about therapy at a later time. If you have any questions please feel free to send them my way.
I said we would get to it and now we’re here. I can honestly say with all of my heart I wouldn’t have gotten through this last “fall” without my circle. The hardest moment was telling my 2 of my best friends who are a brother and sister to me that I was struggling and back on meds. They were the only people who knew I was on antidepressants in college and being such a difficult person at times, they would get texts saying “I don’t want to take my meds.”, “I feel myself getting down.”, “I don’t want to take a pill to feel normal.” Telling them my depression was back felt like the weight of the world was on my shoulders. But these 2 people are able to comfort me through any and everything and this was no different.
I had other very close friends, some who I have working relationships with that had to learn what was going on with me. One friend I talk to via FaceTime everyday and it pains me thinking about being curled up in bed watching the phone ring because I just couldn’t handle talking to anyone, not even my besties. And again, I worried for nothing because once I let my issues be known all he wanted to do was know how to be there for me, same as all my others close friends I allowed in my space while healing. They offered listening ears, meals, laughs, and much more.
I can't express enough the importance of a support system when fighting any illness, but anxiety and depression really take a village. I don’t know the state I would have been in had I not finally stopped hiding. To everyone out there suffering in silence, you don’t have to. Just because you think they won’t understand, doesn’t mean they won’t….and I definitely will! My inbox is always open. I'll also drop some resources below. To those worried about someone they love, don't stop checking on them, don't stop asking questions, you're presence means the world.
Until next time loves,