Mom, a title just above queen....

My siblings and I were raised by an amazing mother, of course with the help of our wonderful grandmothers. I always knew the job of mother, mom, mama, ma, mommy wasn’t an easy one. If you stayed at home you had to deal with nonstop noise, bickering, clutter, and a thousand questions. Working moms got somewhat of a break while at work only to come home to noise, bickering, clutter, and a thousand questions. Then there’s the cleaning, homework help, dinner, and getting the little ones ready for the next day. I’m childless but a lot of my close friends are moms. Their kids are my nieces/nephews, blood couldn’t make me love them any more. So I see the struggles and couldn’t imagine taking care of another human right now. I’m struggling to just make sure I don’t break myself! We often hear and see moms say “I don’t do anything for myself.” I decided to fix that.

Mommy’s Chance to Mingle was held October 13, 2018 at Two Corks & a Bottle, a lovely wine bar in uptown Dallas, that I frequent with friends. The owner, John is AMAZING!!! I knew he would take great care of my ladies. This event was a chance for mommies to get away from their everyday life, even if only for a few hours. This would be one of many “Curl, Cocktails, & Convos” events. All of these events are going to be intimate. No more than 12 participants.

The first 8 moms to sign up were eligible to participate in a free wine tasting with me which was so fun!!! The ladies got to try some of my favs. If you ever go to Two Corks and are a fan of sweet wines try the White Satin, Black Satin, & Cran Chi Chi. I think it’s safe to say the ladies all found a new stop to go chill. We got through the wine tasting and I had the meat and cheese tray and seating areas set up for them. I wanted the moms to truly mingle and have in-depth dialogue with one another. As a way to help with that I spread across the tables 12 envelopes and inside each one was a statement or question. Some included:
•I wish my childless friends understood ______________. •How much time is too much screen time? •After baby, did you experience any emotional or mental breakdowns? (IE depression, anxiety, etc) •In what ways has motherhood affected your love life/social life?
•How do you do "me time"?

It really seemed to make the conversation move well. I sat them there just in case the ladies got stuck but they wanted to get through each one, so you’d hear “ok, ok what’s the next number?!” I’m not a mom so I never intended on staying through the entire event but I hung around the bar and made sure they didn’t need anything and was very entertained by things I overheard. Momlife is hilarious!!!!! There were points were moms needed advice and that’s what events like this are for. Use your village. We had moms of babies all the way up to teens so there was great conversation had. And lots of wine. Lots and lots and lots of wine.

The mommies were treated to delicious cupcakes from Britts Artistry. Every mom received a swag bag of goodies! Each bag included a custom wine glass from That’s TuTu Fabulous, a gift card from Lunchbox Wax, body butter and scrub from Spa Candy, $15 off a massage from the Now and Zen Bodyworks, lipgloss from The KayCee V Collection, and a pin from Radical Dream Pins! My sponsors really outdid themselves. I hope my readers and follower continue to support these great companies.

I had other business owners reaching out about sponsoring the next. I’m working on so many events right now. I want to keep this going. I gotta keep it going. The ladies want it. Keep a look out on my social media for dates, locations and other important info. And I didn't forget about the dads, there's a day for them in the works!! I hope every mother left this event with something and from the feedback I received, they did.

Until next time loves,
Curls n' Cocktails
Photo Credit: ShaKayla Giles & Daisha Pride